Affiliate Marketing Roundtable Briefing, October 2006
This 10-page briefing is a summary of an E-consultancy roundtable on affiliate marketing.
This document contains a write-up of discussions, an overview of UK affiliate marketing, the latest e-commerce statistics and there is a section on useful resources.
Among the topics discussed were: Brand-bidding (very topical)
Landing Pages (what affiliates dont want to see)
Merchant-affiliate collaboration and communication
Integrated Campaigns
Hybrid Deals.Attendees included internet marketing experts from the following organisations: Argos, Alliance and Leicester, Aviva, BCA, Commission Junction, Dell, eConversions, Incubeta,, Ticketmaster and TradeDoubler will be attending the next one… but you can download this years report for free here
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Do you have this report? Just tried to download it and the site is no longer there