Waitrose TV Ad – Now selling narcotics perhaps?
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land download So Im watching a bit of television last night and I have to say some times the commercials are better then the program Im watching. But last night I did a double take or should that be a double listen…it wasn’t what I was watching that caught my attention but the music that was supporting the large well known UK Supermarket chain called waitrose. The song behind the commercial was none other then one of my all time favourite bands called The Stranglers. Now for those of you who ae too young to remember (reaches for her pipe and slippers and werthers orginal), The Stranglers were a punk band back in the day, most of you will remember them for this song that reached the mainstream music charts. Now this is the very song that was being played to support the ad. Now apart from this song being rather brilliant and on the surface, perfectly acceptable, a head nodding seasonal ditty, I gotta ask the marketing team at waitose if they actually understood what golden brown means in that song, I mean we are not talking about demerara sugar here or were they referring to the girl in the song?. The song has been associated with narcotics, heroin to be more exact, don’t believe me? Have a look here, explains the background of the Golden Brown to listen to it, it’s a must The Song Golden Brown
I would also recommend No More Heroes if you have a spare minute or two, I love The stranglers!!!
I have to ask myself the question now, does this mean as a consumer, I can now browse and buy a jar of peanut butter and a gram of heroine too? Another thought, where would they keep it? In the chilled section… Milk, Butter, Yoghurt, Heroin? Will there by a buy one gram get one half price? Or cross promoting, cut with our own in-house organic icing sugar. The mind boggles and chuckles at the same time, really did put a smile on my face and all for the wrong reasons.
Marketers, gotta luv em and ask, are you sure about this?
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Ha ha, if another brand jumped on this idea it wouldn’t just be Heroin this would be M&S Heroin.