A4uAwards 5th June
A4u Awards next date for your diary.
June 5th A4uAwards
The a4uAwards will be taking place on the 5th June at
The Sheraton Park Lane Hotel, London Loose Cannons dvdrip
You may purchase a table of 10 at a discounted rate or individual seats
Table of 10: £1,550 + VAT (£1,821.25)
Individual Places: £165 + VAT (£193.87)
Affiliates4u Offer*: £95 + VAT (£111.62)
*Affiliates who are members of affiliates4u.com can purchase individual tickets at a subsidised rate of £95 on condition that they are a registered member of affiliates4u.com with a post count of 25 or more on or before 1st March 2008. Please state your forum handle on the booking form.
The ticket price includes champagne reception, 3 course dinner, 1/2 bottle wine per person, coffee and entertainment.
Dress Code: Black Tie
If you would like to book a place or table at the awards dinner please:
Download the booking form
http://www.a4uawards.com/docs/booking-form.pdf and return it with payment to: Claire Hoyland
Events Director
Existem Ltd
4.4 Paintworks
Bath Road
APA is on the voting panel and Catherine Dunn will be attending this event as the APA representative.
Looks like its going to be a great evening
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