relaunch their affiliate program
I was Inspired to write this blog post by an announcement that affiliate program has been re-launched. It’s not policy to promote other companies affiliate programs that we have nothing to do with but for I think we can make an exception.
For those among us that don’t know the history let me tell you a story it’s a little like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon only the Kevin I’m talking about his surname is Brown but I’m pretty sure the six degrees of Kevin Brown could apply too. was the phenomenally successful and at times a little controversial, it was a company specializing in music concert packages and sporting events customers could purchase tickets, travel and accommodation via the internet and by phone. So what is unusual about this? Don’t we purchase our tickets online now? Well I can tell you that back in the day, the late 80’s and early 90’s the internet usage in the UK was minute by today’s standards but even then Kevin had already seen the future and was deeply entrenched in software development and was a fully functional eCommerce site. Affiliate Marketing was brand new in the UK in 1999 but had been gathering momentum in the USA. Kevin Brown, arguably the original pioneer of bringing Affiliate Marketing to the UK , saw the correlation between the internet and as a vehicle for getting affiliates (few in numbers back then) to drive new customers to and proceeded in negotiations with a company called Kowabunga to lease their software so as he could set up his own Affiliate Network, Whilst Kevin was busy in negotiations with Kowabunga. I at the time was working for ClassicFM and I was looking to change jobs and had contacted a man (via an affiliate marketing forum in the US) owned by Fox Tucker. Fox Tucker had partnered with a man called Adrian Moss who was also in negotiations with kowabunga to lease their software so they too could set up an Affiliate Network,
The race was on and whilst were the first to launch their Affiliate Network Dec 1999, was hot on their heels and just days later they launched Jan 2000 and their first merchant was of course
From day one affiliate program just grew and grew and grew and affiliates loved the program and the company. Im pretty sure was the first UK affiliate program to be launched and the first successful and profitable affiliate program in the UK.
So where is today? Probably best not to go down that path. Where is Just do a google search on Kevin Brown and :0)
I am delighted to see the return of affiliate Program and Im going to plug it for old times’ sake and can only envy their affiliate manager Clive and what fun he will have, the program will rock! as it always has! To join the program just sign up via
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