FineTune Music Plug in a resource
I discovered which is a customizable music plug in, I can update it and add to it and as you can see I can embed it on my website. Ok so its not going to rock your world in terms generating additional sales, but what it does do is add a bit of your personality to your website or enhance your visitors experience. I love it and have been messing around with it for most of Saturday afternoon. FineTune have an affiliate program but as yet I don’t know what the deal is. When they come back to me to tell me, Ill post it the info, looks to me like they are still setting it up as there is no mention of commissions.
What’s in it for you?
§ A customizable, co-branded, (usually) FREE service, embedded in your site or application.
§ Easy, felxible configuration and maintenance
§ Improved customer retention, increased session length
You control the player!
§ Completley resizeable
§ Full color control
§ Background images
§ Program your featured content
What’s in it for your users?
§ Seamless, co-branded access to a premium music service
§ A custom soundtrack for the site
§ Music discovery and custom playlist-building
What I like so much about FineTune is that its so easy to use and embed, the down side is that they only offer one size and you can customise this but it compromises end user functionality if you reduce width and height.
width="215" height="220"
There is a company called Pandora that has tried to do something similar. Pandora was pretty good but I got booted as Im not from the US, with Pandora I have to be a US citizen, something about them not being able to afford a UK music license, which is a shame as they really do have something simple and unique, ho hum.
But Im loving finetune and Im sure affiliates or even merchants can find loads of ways to use this either on a personal level or enhancing your visitors experience.
To use the plug in just use like you would with an ipod, you can skip a track, pause, turn the volume down or off. Hey, if you decide to sign up and create your own play list, let me know and Ill add it. I think this is great and whilst my music taste may not be to your liking, hey each to their own, the below gives you a look at it, but I reserve the right to keep The Clash and Linkin Park and Everything but the girl, Ill try not to make you wince too much.
Enjoy – Jess 🙂
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