Setting up an affiliate program
It’s been a while since I last had to set up an affiliate program on the platform. I still have nightmares about a certain US network a few years back, no really I do and I don’t think they have ever quite been the same either.
My main problem is, Im not a tech head, sure I know probably a bit more then your average bear and the way I learn is to try things for myself first before I go crying to a tech head, dare I mention the episode a couple of years ago when I got confused with my FTP and deleted a few major files on the right of the screen, ooooopsy daisy, just destroyed my website (big grin) But I figure if I don’t try and work it out for myself, how will I ever learn? $$ I used to think it meant US currency. So… Im getting there but still uncertain about some things, just don’t ever sit me in front of a big red button, I’ll only push it to see what happens.
So I approached set up with some trepidation.
There are eight steps from sign up to program activation that you have to go through.
Im half way through the process now, it’s the bit I can’t physically do as I don’t have access to the clients order confirmation page, but you know what? Even if I had access Id still know what to do, why? Because had forethought. Who ever designed the step by step instructions to setting up an affiliate program, I hope some day to shake your hand, you have turned techno babble into simple English. It’s a merchants dream come true.
What more can I say other then, well done credit where due.Once Upon a Forest release Minority Report dvdrip
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